Oton's Adventure
Embark on a family adventure while walking through the Lahinja Landscape Park, where you will discover the secrets of cultural and natural heritage by solving the famous riddles of the poet Oton Župančič.
More informationVeliko aktivnosti v Krajinskem parku Lahinja je brezplačnih, nekatera doživetja pa predstavljajo posebno ponudbo našega parka.
Embark on a family adventure while walking through the Lahinja Landscape Park, where you will discover the secrets of cultural and natural heritage by solving the famous riddles of the poet Oton Župančič.
More informationStrokovno vodenje po Krajinskem parku Lahinja, kjer se bodo učenci naučili zakaj je to območje zavarovano, raziskali naravne vrednote in spoznali značilno rastlinstvo in živalstvo na posebnih habitatih.
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